The ultimate slang dictionary for words you don`t know, don`t understand, or don`t want to know. is the world`s leading online source for definitions, word origin and more. From the word of the day to the stories behind today`s slang, millions of people reveal the secrets of the English language. Our applications also have over 1.5 million definitions and synonyms, as well as access to our trusted reference articles. Search for words anywhere and anytime – we also work offline! In the modern language area of, we constantly document the meanings of slang, emoji, and new words as soon as you all start saying them. Let your word muscles play and improve your language and writing skills with a little fun. Put children on the right track with test preparation tutors who. Challenge yourself to find motivating words with this quiz. Customer reviews, including reviews of product stars, help customers learn more about the product and decide if it`s the right product for them. Our AI-powered writing tool helps writers of all kinds do high-quality, error-free work.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage distribution by star, we do not use a simple average. Instead, our system takes into account, for example, the current rating and whether the reviewer purchased the item on Amazon. It also analyzes reviews to verify reliability. A guide to using popular emojis (beware: meanings are constantly changing!). Download the free Kindle app and immediately start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet or computer – no Kindle devices required. Find out more. Discover the stories we`ve written about our words, the origins of our language, and the nuances that make English complicated and so unique. Read instantly in your browser with Kindle Cloud Reader. Tutoring of the pre-calculation to the common core and b. Identity is fluid, as is the language around it.

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