The Pro Act Legislation – Measuring True Impact On Construction: The Law to Protect the Right to Organization (PRO) Act, which is currently making its way through Congress, seeks to reverse decades of federal policy. Despite its name, PRO protects much more than the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively. In fact, PRO would expand the economic weapons available to unions at the bargaining table, in the workplace and beyond. While pro-union laws raise obvious concerns for open shop floor contractors, unionized contractors may not be aware of the negative impact it could have on them. In this episode, AGC CEO Stephen Sandherr explains exactly HOW and WHY this law has the potential to cause significant disruption to the construction industry for businesses and the workers they employ, upsetting the delicate balance between rights and restrictions established for decades by the NLRB, the courts and Congress. ConsensusDocs are the only standard contracts supported by 40+ major design and construction industry associations representing designers, owners, contractors, subcontractors, and guarantors, including the AGC of America. With over 110 standardized construction contract documents written to represent the best interests of each project, you`ll start your next negotiation knowing that everyone involved is on an equal footing. AGC is a founding organization of the ConsensusDocs Coalition. ConsensusDocs are the only standard contracts supported by 40+ organizations representing design professionals, owners, contractors, subcontractors, and sureties, including 40+ leading organizations. With 100+ standard construction contracts covering all project delivery methods, ConsensusDocs contracts reduce claims and contingencies by spreading risk equitably and incorporating best practices with understandable contract language that makes contract management easier. Annual reports Our current reports can be found here. This definition appears very frequently and can be found in the following categories of Finder acronyms: For small entrepreneurs who are just starting out, the school of hard knocks is a difficult teacher. Let AGC members help you overcome the challenges faced by all emerging small businesses with this 12-part video series.
Jim Young Senior Director, Congressional Relations, Lab, HR and Security [email protected](link send email) Phone: (202) 547-0133 Mission Statement The Associated General Contractors of America, the voice of the construction industry, is an organization of qualified contractors and industry-specific companies dedicated to competence, integrity and accountability. In partnership with its chapters, the association offers a full range of services that meet the needs and concerns of its members, thereby improving the quality of construction and protecting the public interest. AGC of America and its Construction Advocacy Fund are proud to relaunch as the construction industry`s voting center for unbiased voting information. ConsensusDocs creates fair and detailed agreements – especially in times of Covid-19 Vision Statement Associate general contractors will be the organization of choice for those associated with the construction industry. Tell your members of Congress and President Biden to speak out against the anti-worker, open shop building and anti-union Construction PRO law. AGC sponsors and assists with the Construction Superconference program. Denise Gold Associate General Counsel [email protected](link send email) Phone: (202) 547-5326 Whether it`s tax, accounting, cyber risk and financial fraud, environmental and social governance, this year`s program includes a wealth of in-depth knowledge that you can apply to your business. In short, the measure is an unprecedented attempt to fundamentally change dozens of well-established labour laws that would create conditions in which unions have virtually all their influence over collective bargaining with union enterprises and the organizing efforts of open-shop companies. At the same time, the measure would force employers to disclose private information about their employees, deprive workers of the right to a secret ballot and trigger an unprecedented wave of social unrest.