(a) The Government is obliged to provide the services of qualified defence counsel to indigent accused persons and to fully fund them. In addition, the organized bar association of all lawyers in a jurisdiction has a duty to provide qualified defense lawyers, including for the poor, and to provide the expertise of lawyers to support a fair and efficient criminal justice system. (a) Defence counsel shall not express or exercise bias or prejudice based on race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or socioeconomic status by words or behaviour. Defence counsel must strive to eliminate implicit bias and mitigate inappropriate bias or bias if credibly informed that it exists under the authority of defence counsel. (iv) Before authorizing a test or examination that completely consumes the material or destroys the prosecutor`s ability and ability to re-examine the evidence, defence counsel should give the prosecutor`s office notice and an opportunity to appeal and seek an appropriate court order. (b) The defence counsel shall appear at all hearings in the cases assigned to him, unless alternate counsel is appointed for valid reasons. A defence lawyer representing another lawyer in legal proceedings should be properly informed about the case and the issues that may arise during the proceedings and prepare appropriately. (ii) defence counsel is satisfied that his or her independence or professional judgment or the client-lawyer relationship will not be compromised; and (a) Immediately upon appointment or retention, the board should strive to establish a relationship of trust with each client. Defence counsel should explain in a timely manner the need for an open and honest discussion of all facts known to the client in order to ensure an effective defence. Defence counsel must explain that solicitor-client privilege protects the confidentiality of communications with counsel, except in exceptional and well-defined circumstances, and explain what the client can do to maintain confidentiality. (a) The lawyer must be familiar with the statutes and rules relating to fees and expenses applicable in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions in which he practises. Before or within a reasonable time after the commencement of a performance, the lawyer should discuss with the client: (b) In addition to knowledge of substantive legal doctrine and judicial procedures, a core curriculum for defence counsel should cover the following areas: investigation, negotiation and litigation; knowledge of the development, use and review of forensic evidence; available sentencing structures, including alternatives to non-conviction and imprisonment and collateral consequences; professional responsibility, courtesy and commitment to professionalism; relevant policies and procedures of offices, tribunals and law enforcement agencies and their appropriate application; valuing diversity and eliminating undue bias; and the technology available and the ability to use it.

Some training programmes could usefully be opened and taught by persons outside the criminal defence community, such as prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, court staff and members of the judiciary. (ii) the conduct of the defence lawyer is called into question in the context of a disciplinary investigation or other proceeding against which the defence lawyer must defend himself. (b) A defence mediation service should apply an objective set of standards to enable defence lawyers to qualify for inclusion on the referral list and should apply fair and neutral criteria for the admission of qualified lawyers to the roster, referral and removal of lawyers from the roster. These standards, criteria and procedures for reference lists should be published and easily accessible. (g) If a custodial sentence is imposed, defence counsel should seek the assistance of the court, including a statement in the record, if possible, recommending the appropriate place of detention and the type of treatment, programmes and counselling that should be made available to the accused in detention.